
國際事務處Office of International Affairs


國際專修部入學招生簡章(2024 秋季班)-中越版

國際專修部入學招生簡章(2024 秋季班)-中印版

壹、申請日程 Important Dates and Deadlines

項目 / Schedule of Events

日期 / Date gian


Deadline for submission of application

2024 / 7 / 5

Before Jul. 5,2024


Applications review and entrance exams

2024 / 7 / 15 – 2024 / 7 / 20

Jul. 15,2024-Jul. 20,2024


Announcement of admission

2024 / 7 / 31

Jul. 31, 2024


Admission letters mailed to

Beginning of August


貳、語言門檻 Language Proficiency Proof

所有學生經過第一年的華語先修課程,華語文能力必須通過 A2,未通過者由學校通報退學,學生須依規定離境。

After taking one year of regular Mandarin Chinese courses, all the applicants must pass A2 level of TOCFL test. Applicants who cannot meet this requirement will be suspended from school and leave the country according to the regulation.


參、財力證明書 Financial statement

財力證明 NT $100,000元以上

Financial Statement or Official Bank Statement with a minimum balance of NT $100,000 per person.


肆、獎學金 Scholarship


After completing the first year of Chinese language preparatory courses, students can receive scholarships during the second to fifth years of their professional degree program. The scholarship benefits are as follows:


Foreign students who meet the admission requirements and complete the registration are eligible for a 50% tuition fee subsidy in their first year of the professional degree program.


Starting from the second year of the professional degree program, students must maintain a conduct grade of 80 or above in each semester and an overall academic average of 75 or above. Those who meet these criteria will be awarded a continuation scholarship equivalent to the amount approved at admission. Students with an overall academic average of 70 or above but below 75 will be awarded a continuation scholarship at half the approved amount.


伍、收費標準 Tuitions, fees and other costs

一、華語先修班學費 / Tuitions & Fees of Mandarin Prerequisites Program

1.工業類收費:NT$40,021 (Industrial Fee: NT$40,021)

2.商業類收費:NT$40,377 (Commercial Fee: NT$40,377)


Tuitions & Fees for the 2nd to 5th year After joining International Program for Academia and Industry Depatment of Electro-Optical Engineering or intocurriculum filed.

1.工業類收費:NT$33,537 (Industrial Fee: NT$33,537)

2.商業類收費:NT$30,060 (Commercial Fee: NT$30,060)


Note: If applying for on-campus dormitory after the second year, an additional accommodation fee will be charged (NT$8,950 per semester),Summer and winter vacations are charged separately.


陸、學雜費退費基準 / Refund criteria for tuition and miscellaneous fees


Students who apply for leave of absence or withdrawal before the registration day (including the registration day) are exempt from payment; for those who have already paid, a full refund will be issued.

上課(開學)日(含當日)之後, 而未逾學期 1/3,退還學雜費及其餘各費總和之2/3

After the start of classes (including the start date) and before the end of one-third of the semester, two-thirds of the total tuition and miscellaneous fees, and other fees, will be refunded.

三、上課(開學)日(含當日)之後逾學期 1/3,而未逾學期 2/3,退還學雜費及其餘各費總和之1/3。

After one-third but not exceeding two-thirds of the semester has passed since the first day of class (including the first day), one-third of the total tuition and miscellaneous fees, as well as other fees, will be refunded.

四、上課(開學)日(含當日)之後逾學期 2/3,所繳費用不予退還。

No refunds will be given for fees paid if withdrawal occurs after two-thirds of the semester has passed since the first day of class (including the first day).


The relevant criteria are based on the “Hsiuping University of Science and Technology Refunding Guidelines for Students Who Leave the University”.