壹、申請日程 /Important Dates and Deadlines
貳、語言門檻 / language threshold
本校設有華語文能力門檻,申請時須提供華語文能力證書 (A1或3個月以上華語課程修課證明)。
HUST has a Chinese language proficiency threshold, Certificate of TOCFL(A1 or at least 3 months of attendance in a Chinese language course ) is required for application.
學生於學習期間將根據教育部規範強化華語文能力,第一學年結束前華語文能力需通過 A2 級別。未通過者由學校通報退學,學生須依規定離境
During the learning period, students are required to enhance their Chinese language proficiency according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education. By the end of the first academic year, students must achieve the A2 level of Chinese language proficiency. Those who fail to meet the requirement will be reported by the school for dismissal, and they must leave the country according to the regulations.
參、財力證明 / Financial Statement
財力證明 NT $100,000元以上
Financial Statement or Official Bank Statement with a minimum balance ofNT $100,000 per person.
肆、獎學金 / Scholarship
每學期$9,220 /(NT$9,220 per semester)
After one year, each student who has completed one academic year of study and has attained a conduct score of 80 or above and an overall academic average of 75 or above in the previous semester will be awarded the stated scholarship; each student who has attained a conduct score of 80 or above and an overall academic average of 70 to 75 (not included) in the previous semester will be awarded half of the stated scholarship. If the student does not meet the above criteria, no scholarship will be awarded.
伍、收費標準 / Tuitions, fees and other costs
工業類 / Industrial |
商業類 / Commercial |
學雜費 Tuition |
54,220 |
47,266 |
電腦及網路使用費 Computer & internet usage fees |
1,090 |
1,090 |
平安保險 Student group insurance |
380 |
380 |
健康保險 International student medical insurance |
3,600 |
3,600 |
合計 |
59,290 |
52,336 |
第一年必須住在學校宿舍,在校期間免住宿費,寒暑假另計。第二年起每學期須繳交住宿費8,950 元,寒暑假另計。
In the first year, you must live in the school's accommodation, free of charge for the first year. Summer and winter vacations are charged separately. The accommodation fee of NT$8,950 per semester from the second year onwards is required. Summer and winter vacations are charged separately.
就讀專班一年級上學期學生皆可領取第一學期之生活補助金。第二學期起,若前一學期學業平均達 60 分以上、上課出席率達 90%以上、且住宿學校宿舍者,始可申領生活補助金。
Students enrolled in the first semester of their first year of college are eligible for the first semester living allowance. Starting from the second semester, students who have a minimum grade point average of 60 in the previous semester, have a minimum attendance rate of 90%, and live in the school dormitory are eligible for a living expense grant.
陸、學雜費退費基準 / Refund criteria for tuition and miscellaneous fees
Students who apply for leave of absence or withdrawal before the registration day (including the registration day) are exempt from payment; for those who have already paid, a full refund will be issued.
二、上課(開學)日(含當日)之後, 而未逾學期 1/3,退還學雜費及其餘各費總和之2/3。
After the start of classes (including the start date) and before the end of one-third of the semester, two-thirds of the total tuition and miscellaneous fees, and other fees, will be refunded.
三、上課(開學)日(含當日)之後逾學期 1/3,而未逾學期 2/3,退還學雜費及其餘各費總和之1/3
After one-third but not exceeding two-thirds of the semester has passed since the first day of class (including the first day), one-third of the total tuition and miscellaneous fees, as well as other fees, will be refunded.
四、上課(開學)日(含當日)之後逾學期 2/3,所繳費用不予退還。
No refunds will be given for fees paid if withdrawal occurs after two-thirds of the semester has passed since the first day of class (including the first day).
The relevant criteria are based on the “Hsiuping University of Science and Technology Refunding Guidelines for Students Who Leave the University”.